TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

feel   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

estimate think

apply bear bore certain come enjoy find get given go happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence present reach remain reside run see set situated sit sometimes some stand there wait work

flare fury hate mad mind protest

enshroud hit seize

approach experience know learn pick remember

blind delve figure fish grope hound hunt peck probe research screw search try

acquire become bring conduct develop do fall gain give incline keep make manage observe offer play provide show switch take tell use want

arouse build gather grow increase mounting


allow amount apt assume begin change create generate join mark pass potential put serve turn

conceive gaze glare glue guess look scowl stare suspect watch


fiddle snake

admit agree apparent appreciate ascertain catch clear clue conscious count decide discern discover fancy fathom follow form git identify imagine indicate isolate obvious palpable perceive pinpoint place prone prove realise realize recognise recognition recognize register respect sense sensitive share smell spot sure sympathize traceable trace understandable understand witness

acknowledged anticipate aware careful cognizant

air appearance conclusion expression feeling impression impress memory perception sensation strike suggestion thought

cover dab drop stifle suppress

allege explanation interpretation rede rendering say version

memorise muster


awareness opinion probably quality seem vibe view


convey like perceptibly

mindful move react sweep taste

texture touch

brush flood furrow hike issue pull side sidle

attention chi composure concentration convinced desire heart hunch idea impulse intention interest life mood motive nerves nerve oneself purpose qi short something temper vitality wish

appear disposed might tend worry would

attentive intercept note nowhere recall recover

assaile attach knowledge listen match noticeable uncover

ask care concern matter self-conscious wonder

annoy confused determined disconcerting distract disturbing embarrassing harrowing mean perplexing possibly prepared prepare question stick swear trouble

adoration inclination intentions need soul spirit urge

affection confidence courage craving emotion expectation love mentally

ethos tone

atmosphere attitude mentality predicament prospect

rather state tincture

awake break live up

condition health how manner way

acknowledge clued glom master reflect

angle calculation dream help meaning notion picture reflection solution theory valuation

believe contemplate intend open

absorb chew compose concentrate consider debate design determine disguise dwell examine feature glance ideate judge meditate plan ponder process reason regard remembrance result ruminate scheme seek speculate suggest suppose theorize through waver weigh

dislike peeve reproachfully whine

emotional realization time

dawn plausible

awaken conclude convincing

accept anticipation apparently argue buy concerned conjecture expect frightened hope pretend qualify reckon remark sensible sound terrify


hint link resemble smack

must possible

carry entertain



shake stricken


little slightly

inner privately



beset grasp ken news review understood

percolate race signify travel

accomplish arrive conciliate earn garner


angry outrage passionate

afford appreciation attain extract savor soak

Other Words Beginning with 'feel'

feelingly feeling
