TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

sit   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

apply bear bore certain come enjoy feel find get given go happen have hear hold inform involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence present reach remain reside run see set situated sometimes some stand there wait work

alive exist father gather live look mean necessary require stay weary-looking

crouch fold squat

bate contain cool die dull ease fall fit hit modulation over pass quit rest settle soothe subside

about attend began begin close cost drive narrow proceed ring say soar start take try use

bestow cover dump equip hook launch lay make nearly pay place provide put scamper seat shake show sling spend throw under waste wear worth wrap

bend croup kneel

absolutely becalmed carefully closely courteously hard intently keenly long motionlessly motionless openly patiently pretty quietly sharply silently simply solemnly square steadily steady still straight stricken thoughtfully through tight unwaveringly


lurk perch

plunk position

achieve attendance belong dispose draw explore fill head imprint lean man prop ride serve stick strike supply

attack flat stop

collapse sink

hop on

awake break touch up

copy eschew forgo loom refuse suppress


answer arrive award betray dangle develop emerge engage express finish forward lead leave move out plunge practice pull slip step turn walk

angle board catch further in

plant station

bat give

bide expect hang hope let listen plan receive roost

bring cradle keep


align arrange array compile line next shove

blankly dumbly impassively just merely quiet silence silent wordlessly

Other Words Beginning with 'sit'

site sitter sitting situation situs
