TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

want   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

curious desire eager have like love need prefer

fain require

permit will

hope ready would

intimate lovely precious sweet

all appreciate ask check demand do enquire get give hear heed hit know learn listen pay question receive respect see take work


inclination must please tend willing wish

claim enjoy hot insist

design trouble try

acquire become bring come conduct develop fall feel gain go incline keep make manage observe offer play provide show switch tell use

propose should

annoy awful bother desperately distraction immense intolerably irresistible most so specially succumb too unbearable

believe determination for idea impression intention interested mean object order plan reason represent think why


absence empty fail lack less never nothing not no press refrain save



head proper toward


anxiety attention awareness concern fancy fascination interest notice sentiment thought urge

contemplate hunger

approve excite glad happy pleased pleasure thrilled

anticipate assume expect

care fond knock suit trust warm

after seek

apply buy clamor long lust poke pursuit requirement


advance approach close draw march move near reach wait

appetite aspiration

accept admit anticipation apparently argue bear concerned conclude conjecture consider decide determine dwell estimate figure find frightened guess imagine judge look mind occur pretend prospect qualify realise realize reckon recognize reflect remark remember seem sensible sound suppose sure suspect terrify understand view

address endeavour

adhesive attach hook obsess

accommodate adjust embrace import reconcile welcome

choose enter ordain pick search

aim lay present pretender pursue single watch

information talk thing


admire burn

appoint select

ambition chance

attain face recommend

really say



errand problem

assignment it point

appointment behalf business nevermind palaver toil transaction




beg coax command entrust imploringly leave plead plea requisition retain

Other Words Beginning with 'want'

wanting wantonly wantonness wanton
