TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

feeling   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

demeanor idea image impression self-image thought trace what

air appearance conclusion expression feel impress know look memory perception sensation strike suggestion think

acumen hunch instinct intuition practice

admiration sense

awareness opinion probably quality seem vibe view

aware conscious decide experience find go have mindful move notice react realize see sweep taste

doubt emotion esthesis estimation flair insight judgement sensitivity sentience way

aesthesia receptivity

sentimentality sentimental syrup

desire emotionally emotional frisson impulse juice mood passion reaction response sensibility sentiment thing

comment criticism observation pronouncement remark

care cheerful equanimity spirit streak temper

attention chi composure concentration convinced heart intention interest life mind motive nerves nerve oneself purpose qi short something vitality wish

appear disposed might occur remember suspect tend worry would

adoration inclination intentions need soul urge

affection confidence courage craving expectation love mentally point

edge foretaste hear hint indication movement presence show signs sign sound stir symptom thud warning wind

atmosphere attitude mentality predicament prospect

conviction decisiveness determination intension intent resolve

angle calculation concern dream help meaning notion picture reflection solution theory valuation

design fancy imagine knowledge question realization time

empathy stake

reality reason

brain character consciousness impersonal nature nous sensorium spirits


little live rather slightly touch

nervousness nervous


angry frustration indignation

forefeel intimation omen prediction premonition presentiment

Other Words Beginning with 'feeling'

