TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

figure   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

comb find fish go hunt look pick quarter seek shag track wade

blind delve feel grope hound peck probe reach research screw search see try

get know notice realize recognize tell

reflect speculation

catch clasp close clutch gather grab grasp grip hold land learn play put snaffle take understand

assay check detection identify trace

fit tally

anybody bloke boy chap creep customer fellow fucker guy he his man-jack man one onion puppy somebody something son-of-a-bitch son-of-a-gun stallion stuff talent thing type you

admit agree apparent appreciate ascertain certain clear clue conscious count decide discern discover fancy fathom follow form git guess hear imagine indicate isolate make obvious offer palpable perceive pinpoint place prone prove realise recognise recognition register respect sense sensitive share smell spot sure sympathize traceable understandable witness

garb manner style styling

burden flicker outline patch reflection shade shadow shape silhouette smudge wave

image picture vision

frame graphics infographics

experience keep mark memorise memory muster remember seize

anticipate attentive detect intercept note nowhere observe recall recover suspect think

assaile attach knowledge listen match noticeable occur strike uncover

sight spectacular

expect predictable

estimate point suppose

aware comprehend peg read tumble weigh

acknowledge clued glom master

absorb approach ask assume believe care chew compose conceive concentrate consider contemplate convinced debate design determine disguise dwell examine expectation feature glance ideate idea judge meditate plan ponder process prospect question reason regard remembrance result ruminate scheme speculate suggest theorize thought through trouble waver wonder


aspect dress montage presence scene sign similitude way

attitude bearing course display oneself pose position posture practice rule stature

invent resolution

accept anticipation apparently argue bear buy concerned concern conclude conjecture frightened hope impression like love mind pretend qualify reckon remark seem sensible sound terrify view want wish

carcass chunk corpse

anyone fella folk human kid people person someone those

bint bitch boody chickie company cookie creature dollop female feme gal girlfriend girl hag hooker lady mare mistress mort petticoat potato she squaw tart tomato turtle woman women

body build condition health


character disposition earthling everyone gun heart homme humanity humankind individual mankind member mobile mortal organism personkind son soul us we world

adult loiterer personality

hypothesize ratiocinate

combination digit evidence figures mathematics number numeral numeric

ball limb physique self system

physicality stance



appearance behavior belief colors comportment fashion gesture intrinsic lead line mode mood motion portance relationship willingness

big-time biggie great high leader magnate major prince senior titan whopper

bird boyo case dude gentleman husband loin lover manhood masculinity rogue sort

advice imagination insight nous ruse sapience savvy sophistication virtue wisdom wit

have hit stamp step trample

intuition yardstick

hulk it

contrive produce

forecast predictive predict

Other Words Beginning with 'figure'

