TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

conscious   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

advisedly deliberately

aware idea inkling know realize see sure think

admit agree apparent appreciate ascertain catch certain clear clue count decide discern discover fancy fathom feel figure find follow form gather get git guess hear identify imagine indicate isolate learn make notice obvious offer palpable perceive pinpoint place prone prove realise recognise recognition recognize register respect sense sensitive share smell spot sympathize tell traceable trace understandable understand witness

attention attitude awareness concept connotation consciousness heart identity life mind perception realization thought unrecognized way

experience keep mark memorise memory muster remember seize

feeling go have mindful move react seem strike sweep taste

annoy care concern confused determined disconcerting distract disturbing embarrassing harrowing mean perplexing possibly prepared prepare question stick swear trouble wonder worry

affection confidence courage craving desire emotion expectation intention interest love mentally mood need point sensation urge


Other Words Beginning with 'conscious'

consciously consciousness
