TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

think   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

estimate feel

advise assure chide convince explain reason remind speak swear tell

accuse address add admit affirm agree air announce blurt call claim confess confide continue cry declare describe discuss divulge exclaim expression express give hint insist intone invite kind know liken like make mention muse note object observe phrase point proffer promise pronouncement propose put read recite refer reflect remark repeat replay reply report resume say show sing snap sound suggest talk unburden urge volunteer warn

distrust marvel questioning wonder

apparently bet deduce evidently likely may must perhaps probably seemingly seem see suppose surely

believe desire determination for idea impression intention interested mean order plan ready represent try want why

intend will

assume definitely expect fully

conceive gaze glare glue guess look scowl stare suspect watch

certainly due presumably


appear clearly near


begin offer

aware conscious inkling realize sure

appearance conclusion feeling impress memory perception sensation strike suggestion thought

assess regard understand

decide experience find go have mindful move notice react sense sweep taste

comment criticism observation opinion reaction

analyse consider examine observant scrutinize study trace

anticipate hope

disposed might occur remember tend worry would

attentive catch detect discover figure intercept isolate nowhere realise recall recognize recover

bother care

annoy concern confused determined disconcerting distract disturbing embarrassing harrowing perplexing possibly prepared prepare question stick trouble

attention concentrate distracting distraction

affection confidence courage craving emotion expectation interest life love mentally mind mood need

doubt surprised sus




acquiesce admonish answer ask assert contend deliver demand imply indicate instruct mouth name profess pronounce protest relate respond return sell state submit unload venture whisper word

acknowledge ascertain clued glom knowledge master perceive take

angle calculation dream help meaning motive notion picture reflection solution theory valuation view way

change reevaluate

absorb approach chew compose contemplate convinced count debate delve design determine disguise dwell fancy feature gather glance ideate judge meditate ponder process prospect register remembrance result ruminate scheme seek speculate theorize through waver weigh




afterthought recollection

get invent resolution

connect define grasp miss recollect

envision image re-create visualize

accept anticipation argue bear buy concerned conclude conjecture frightened learn pretend qualify reckon sensible terrify wish

contemplation wit wondering

advocate charge invoke persuade pretending proclaim provide vote

collect establish hold lift measure pass pick rebound remove scoop scribble suckle undo

doubtful suspicious

come contain cross emerge reach slip turn

arbitrarily self-declared simply unilaterally



dread fear fret suffer

imagery imagination rumination speculation

draw vision

appreciate maintain thrifty

grope search trawl

identify predicate

follow hit stamp step trample

intuition yardstick

discern proofread prophesy review scarcely size

acceptance admire attribute bless concede deign expose grant ken self-identy write


afford inspire kowtow pay procure respect trade trigger

decision deem

arise bob float grew hang incubate materialize rise

sour stagnate

forecast formbook prediction predict prefiguration prenotion presupposition prognosis supposed wagering



Other Words Beginning with 'think'

thinkable thinking
