TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

inform   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

apply bear bore certain come enjoy feel find get given go happen have hear hold involve lie locate mount notice occupy occur one own particular point presence present reach remain reside run see set situated sit sometimes some stand there wait work

breathe impart mouth say speak whisper

announce declare imply mention reply signal tell

bruiting consensus fable gossip report rumor rumour speculation story stuff talk trash wag word

acquaint admit apprise explain foist gimme give indicate instruct ken lesson pass proclaim provide remind share show teach warn

ask entreat prod request

correct finger offer review suggest

feature intro recommend refer showcase


advise break call know promulgate telegraph

access correspond grasp lead privy register take understanding understand

brief recount release

Other Words Beginning with 'inform'

informally informal information informative informed informercial
