Marlin Arms Corporation is based in Tokyo, Japan, and was founded in January 1993. We specialize in natural language processing both by human and by software.
You can contact us from contact page (<- click the link).
Human Translation and Writing
The books we have written and translated include:
- Remembering Babylon by David Malouf,
- Where Life and Death Holds Hands by , which won Prime Minister's Awards for Publishing from Canadian Embassy in Japan,
- Myths to Live by and The Flight of the Wild Gander by Joseph Campbell, a well-known mythologist,
- Insanely Great: The Life and Times of Macintosh, the Computer That Changed Everything by Steven Levy. The translation was originally published in 1994, and has been republished in 2002, gathering a lot of requests from readers (and readers-to-be), and
- Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 4 in 14 Days and Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days by Laura Lemay, worldwide best sellers,
You can find the detailed description of the books we translated in the Japanese top page.
Software Development
Dictionary Site
You can try for translators, writers and editors, where you can find the following dictionaries:
- Japanese-English and English-Japanese Translation Dictionary
- Japanese-English and English-Japansese Economics and Financial Translation Dictionary
- Japanese-English and English-Japansese Environmental Translation Dictionary
- Translation Thesaurus for Japanese and English
Machine Translation Software
We have been developing machine translation software since the foundation of our company. In corporation with software companies in Japan, South Korean and China, and we have developed translation system of the following language pairs: English to Japanese, Japanese to English, English to Korean, Korea to English, and English to Chinese.
Two members of our company were selected as candidates of most prominent software engineers by Information-technology Promotion Agency (a Japanese government sponsored institution for supporting computer industry), and engaged in developing the kernel of next generation machine translation software, receiving grant from the institution. We are looking for development partners for further development.
Board Members
Hiroyuki MUSHA
He has been developing machine translation software and has engaged in developing one of the major English-Japanese and Japanese-English translation packages widely used in Japan. He also has (human-) translated more than fifty books on computer software and related topics, and has authored two books on machine translation and programming, a textbook for (human) technical translators, and co-authored a book on English education.
He was selected as one of the candidates of most prominent software engineers by Information-technology Promotion Agency (a Japanese government sponsored institution for supporting computer industry), and our company continues developing the kernel of next generation machine translation software.
He holds a B. A. from International Christian University in Mathematics and an M. S. in Computer Science from Yamanashi University. He is a Ph. D. candidate at Tokyo Institute of Technology. During his Ph. D. research, he studied at Ohio State University and Carnegie-Mellon University in U. S. A.
Vice President
She has translated more than forty books including:
- Remembering Babylon by David Malouf,
- Where Life and Death Holds Hands by William Allister, which won Prime Minister's Awards for Publishing from Canadian Embassy in Japan, and
- Myths to Live by (co-translated) and The Flight of the Wild Gander both by Joseph Campbell, a well-known mythologist.
She holds a B. A. in English Literature from Gakushuin University.