TJ x Th2 Th3 EE Gg W Rand ? Thesaurus via Japanese

control   Th2 Th3 EE Gg W

choke restrain stand stifle stop strangle suppress swallow

hold seize take

achieve assume fold grab grip have squeeze touch

accord determination like motive oneself view way will wish

administrative care governance housing intendance management regimen supervision

careful mind watch

enforcement proscription regulation restriction

dominate manage rule run

command direction guidance instruction steering

domination dominion embrace hegemony helm power predominance reign sway yoke

charge initiative leadership lead mandate throttle

crunch do handle matter see wrangle

halt interrupt quell say scowl

adjust catch minister regain rig set

beat outhit overmatch survive

actuate animate churn circuit deploy movement move operate shove skid stir work

boundary check constraint containment repression reserve restrained restraint restrictive suppression

arm bicep conduct effort elbow expertise forearm hand jib quality seamanship shoulder skill

Other Words Beginning with 'control'

controlled controlling
